Yes, yes. There are many, many better shots of the moon out there. This was more of an experiment than anything, and I spent so much time trying to figure it out, that I figured it was worth posting. I don't have any fancy lenses, just my little point and shoot camera that I carry EVERYWHERE with me.
I had tried using binoculars before to get a better shot of the moon during an eclipse one time, but decided to try again to see how clear I could get it. I turned all of the settings up to get the best shot (7mp, fine quality), tried a few different settings (this is actually taken on the sports setting so it has a faster shutter speed), and then took a lot of pictures. The camera was on a tripod, and I had the binoculars set on a pile of stuff, but I still had to hold them. That combined with the fact that I don't have a remote and couldn't set the self timer, probably both made some of the blur from my own hands. It seemed that focusing the binoculars helped the camera focus automatically, even though that may not be apparent in the picture.
So it may not be the best moon picture, but it certainly seems fitting to post a full moon shot on Friday the 13th!