The weather last week was warm (for January in NY), then last night it stared raining, sleeting and then snowing. The winds kicked up and the temps have been dropping. The good news is though, that the sun came out. Since I wanted to get a certain shot for tomorrows PaD, I figured today was the day to go. Well, the door on the house was frozen shut, as was the car door. Once I finally got the car heating up and got back out to start scraping off the snow and ice and saw this shot. I never realized that there were so many colorful houses on my street. Cropped slightly, brightness and contrast just slightly bumped (otherwise I lost the shadows on the roof to a blinding patch of whiteness). After about 45 minutes of driving around taking a few other shots, I came home and saw that the wind chill was -14. I disagree... it felt colder.
Sometimes we miss the beauty that right in front of us. Picture has a very calming effect and it really doesn't look like its *that* cold. Thanks for sharing.
Nice composition. Makes me want to go look at my boring row of houses.
'Pictures of Home'. Isn't that a Deep Purple song? Dating myself.
I like the colours, especially the sky, and the perspective. Not sure about the hedge and tree on the left. Would it be possible to stand of the roof of your car to take this picture?
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