Trotter and Snouter

And... as an extra bonus picture... a small rant. Yesterday was Valentine's Day. February 14th. It's irritating when Halloween rolls around and all of the Christmas stuff is already out... but every day when I drive to work I pass this dance studio with this huge display in the window, which as of yesterday was still there. Yep.. the picture is blurry, but I finally remembered to reach in the bag for the camera to take this one, but you get the point. When.... WHEN will this come down!? There is also another store down the road that took down HALF of their sign advertising Santa suits for sale, leaving half in front of their Marti Gras display. Sigh.

So, we weren't the only people who played with pigs. Great memories from a couple of holidays with the cousins.
LOL - We too had the travel veriosn of this little pig game. It was a riot for such a simple game.
I've played Pigs before, but only recently, I hadn't heard of it before friends told us about it.
That drives me crazy too. Where's the Christmas Police when you need them?! Maybe they are planning on leaving it up all year so they don't have to hire someone to come paint their window again?!
Oh - what fun to see the Pig game - I've played this numerous times and always had fun. Focus looks a little soft, but composition is excellent.
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