
And now, the story...
So, my parents sent me some flowers... sunflowers to be precise. Who knew that a box of sunflowers would weigh 6 pounds! So, realizing that they probably needed water pretty badly since I was got home a little late, I rushed to get them out, cut and into their water, half reading the instructions as I was hacking the box open. I had to cut them twice since they were SO tall for my vase. Feeling confident that they were finally short enough to stand up, I stuck them in the vase, and went to get a little ribbon to tie them together so they looked sort of like a bunch so that I could take a picture of them.
So, I tie them up, arrange them, set them by the window, and walk off to get my camera. Well, apparently 6 pounds of sunflowers (minus some stem) was a bit too top heavy for the vase and the whole thing fell to the floor, water splashing everywhere! So, after I cleaned that up I decided it would be better to just hold the vase with one hand and shoot with the other. Thankfully, the flowers are sturdy and they weren't hurt in the process. And, also thankfully, they sent me two bags of flower food, so I had a backup!
So, mom... be thankful all your flowers came in little baskets this week! ;)
A great story to go with a great shot :)
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